Trump’s Executive Orders: How Do They Affect You?

Last Wednesday, I attended a panel on President Trump’s recent executive orders regarding immigration. I found the panel, and the subsequent question-and-answer session, to be very interesting and informative. Given how much is going on in the world right now, it can be hard to sort through all of the information to find the information that is most relevant to us–that is, the information that has the most direct impact on our lives. Although I personally am unaffected by the recent executive orders, I know that there are many Cornellians that are affected, at least in some way. I felt like that was one of the most beneficial parts of the panel. It provided the information to us from the viewpoint of how it would affect us students.

One of the audience members asked a question about where we should look to learn about how these current events will affect us students–since this is an ongoing issue, it was not possible to give many definitive answers at the panel, and so information updates are necessary. While the news sources that the panelist listed off were not surprising, I was unaware that there is apparently a website that is run by people at Cornell that provides an updated list of all of the relevant information to students. Until learning this, I had believed that the primary way that Cornell was providing information to the students was through the emails sent by President Rawlings, which, while useful, can be fairly vague. I am glad to learn that there is another–an almost certainly more informative–method for students affected by these executive orders to get the information they need.

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