What Matters To Me In Life

At the Rose Cafe, Dr. Hill described aspects of life that deeply matter to him and what drives him in life. I found the talk to be pretty thought-provoking and relevant to us as college students. As we go through the day-to-day grind of being a college student, it can be easy at times to lose sight of why we do the things we do and reflect on what we truly value in life. Indeed, being a major in a certain subject or being part of a certain academic club shouldn’t define someone as a person, since it is one’s internal core, which is comprised of such things as values and beliefs, that truly approach the essence of the individual.

Each person possesses different values and perspectives when it comes to the “bigger picture” of life, and for me personally, what matters a great deal is to make an impact. And I deliberately have stated this in a general sense because I think there are many ways to have a tremendous impact, whether that’s being able to start a company with millions of consumers, or being a teacher/professor and making a daily difference on the futures of students, or perhaps being a great and loving parent. As someone who is still young, I’m not quite sure which areas of life I will be able to positively affect and impact the most, but I can’t wait to discover them!


One thought on “What Matters To Me In Life

  1. I also appreciated Dr. Hill’s talk very much, it really encouraged me to reflect on the things in life that matter most to me: although cliche, family, friends, and having an open mind. I agree that as hardworking students, sometimes it is easy to lose sight of what drives us as a person and why we do the things we do. But staying in touch with our core values will ultimately bring us happiness and the strength to push through the challenges we face.