Does Art Imitate Life?

Shakespeare in Love depicts the birth of a masterpiece, Romeo and Juliet. In attempting to answer the question of how Shakespeare came up with the story, the movie makes his world his influence. I think it is highly probable that Shakespeare’s environment fed into his creative processes. The best ideas happen when people come together, so there were most likely many people in his life who helped him create some major ideas. I don’t think solitary geniuses can create masterpieces that resonates with so many people.

Another theme of the film was whether plays, or any literary vehicle, can actually portray love. Although Queen Elizabeth contends that Romeo and Juliet portrayed love well, there is a conflict on whether something as complex as love can ever be depicted justifiably. In my opinion, art is when people attempt to portray the most difficult concepts in our world. Although they might not completely illustrate the concept, humans create ingenious masterpieces when they attempt to describe such ideas.

Overall, I thought the movie was very well done. It was engaging and the acting was superb! I really enjoyed the costumes and setting. It also explored complex ideas about the possible factors that could have influenced the formation of Shakespearan literary masterpieces.

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