Marketing + Football

On Feb. 5, I attended “Football, Marketing, and Money.” The group conversation was particularly insightful for me personally, as I don’t follow football. So, although I knew about Fantasy Football, I didn’t realize how big the business actually is. Fantasy Football was brought up as a possible contributing factor in the decline of football viewership. Someone made a very interesting point about how maybe another reason viewership is declining is because culture is changing – the communal aspect, particularly. As a result, in general, maybe  people aren’t really gathering in big groups anymore, as humans tend to seem more isolated (physically) because of technology.


Personally, I don’t watch football because I never grew up around it. So, as viewership continues to decline, I wonder how that will impact the future growth of the NFL. Additionally, it’s going to be interesting to see how the NFL combats the issue of declining viewership through marketing. Because, in the long run, if revenue decreases, salary of players may decrease, possibly influencing the talent that comes in, as some athletes may be turned off by football and pursue other sports.

One thought on “Marketing + Football

  1. You make a really great point about football viewership declining due to advancement in technology. Personally, I am not a fan of football myself but I can see that my friends who are football fans are now more into fantasy football as opposed to watching the games.