West Campus Revamp

I wasn’t intending to go to a rose scholars event this week, but I saw that they were presenting the design ideas that the landscape architecture students came up with and I happened to be free, so I just had to go. It was pretty cool to see everyone’s ideas and how they all had different styles of presenting architectural plans. And I was presently surprised to get free ice cream out of it. But I have to say I was a little disappointed by the lack of things to do in some of the designs. A lot of them had cool designs for places to sit and new paths, but most of them didn’t seem to address the snow/rain issue that personally I think affects people going outside the most. Also, I didn’t see a lot of dramatic improvement of things to do. While a lot of the designs featured outdoor amphitheaters, most of them had that as their only activity area, which I really wanted to see more of. And very few of them added covering to protect from the elements. I’m probably biased on this, but my favorite design was from the girl who explained hers to me. Her design included these light up swings and at least one awning.