Film with Judge Scott Miller

When watching movies involving complicated judicial trials with complex lawyer client relations and heated debates between defendant versus plaintiff groups, it is often the case that one just assumes that a lawyer will try to “win” the trial on behalf of their client. But what if the client unremorsefully commits a crime in response to an injustice done to their loved ones? This grey area can understandably make representing clients a much more ethically and morally difficult task: to what extent should a lawyer take their client’s version of the story as the only truth, and how do you use this “truth” to successfully defend the client, especially if the client has committed a crime. Judge Scott Miller gave interesting examples of challenging cases he encountered in which he had to reconcile what would be the lawful versus ethical thing do to. After discussing the Attorney’s code of ethics, it became very clear to understand that what is lawful versus ethical can become very difficult to determine, especially since it is often very difficult to completely separate one’s opinions and values when making such calls, as was shown by the interesting debates/discussions this brought up in the group. Regardless, this watching this movie with Judge Scott Miller was an incredible opportunity to delve into the judicial world with an expert to guide us through.


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