Lessons in entrepreneurship (or not really)

I was really disappointed by the entrepreneurship conference. Because of classes and tech week for a show I was in, I could only go to one session. I decided to go to one about the entrepreneurial mindset, but it ended up being really only about the academic entrepreneurship programs at Cornell. I learned a lot about the BEST program for graduate students and the Kessler Fellows Program for engineering undergrads, but really very little about the entrepreneurial mindset. I was hoping to hear more about how I could incorporate that mindset into my life and academics, but it was really just a few people talking about their experiences in the programs. I think it would have been more interesting if I even could have participated in some of these programs, but I can’t. It did expose me to some new startups around my hometown which was pretty interesting. I want to look into more community oriented companies in my community. But I wish there had been more that I could have gleamed from the session or applied to my life.

One thought on “Lessons in entrepreneurship (or not really)

  1. Hi! I totally get how you felt about how some talks in the conference seem way too targeted toward a specific sector. I walked into one lecture expecting a general discussion about succeeding in technology startups, and it ended up being a 50 minute talk about the gaming industry! However, I found other talks really insightful to the general entrepreneur mindset, ie. advice on how to take skillful risks and gain meaningful connections. Hopefully next year you might have more time to go to these lectures instead, and they’ll definitely be more relevant to what you’re looking for!