Is it ethically right?

For this Friday film with Judge Scott Miller, we watched a portion of a famous film about a murder trial. This brought up the issue of ethics and the law. I thought it was interesting to hear what everyone had to say about the case, and about whether or not it is ok to skew the truth a little bit. Judge Scott Miller told us about some cases he personally dealt with where he was the attorney. Sometimes it can cause cognizant dissonance for lawyers, when they have to defend a client that may not be disclosing the full truth. Should the client’s words be taken as the truth? Lawyers must use their judgment along with sure facts, in order to make decisions like this. We went over a small portion of the Attorney’s code of ethics in order to help tackle the issues at hand. Some of us had differing opinions, but it was a great conversation to have. We were lucky to have Judge Miller’s lawful insight while viewing the film!

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