Giving Back versus Giving Forward

This past Thursday, I joined fellow Rose Scholars, SA Sabrina, and guest speaker Amy to discuss the importance of community service and how to get more involved in Ithaca.

One of the main topics we talked about was the concept of “giving back” versus that of “giving forward.” A lot of people looked at the two as similar actions with different incentives. That is to say, “giving back” is more due to an opportunity afforded to you by the community that you want to repay, while “giving forward” is for the purpose of others having that same opportunity. We all came to the conclusion that the two aren’t very different, and you can give back and give forward at the same time.

Another point that Amy brought up which I thought was really resonant was that we live in the city of Ithaca, not just Cornell University, and while we are living in this city we should do all we can to embrace its culture and this community. This can mean different things to different people. I found it particularly impactful because there seems to be a bubble around Cornell that a lot of people (including myself) have difficulty getting out of. Amy talked about a lot of service opportunities that can offer that connection.

One thought on “Giving Back versus Giving Forward

  1. I’ve never thought about the difference between giving back and giving forward and it actually makes a lot of sense. I think the distinction is important and gives us another way to reflect on our experiences and how we’re giving back to the community. I also agree that there is a Cornell bubble here and we often forget that we live in a greater community than just here. I love that Rose Scholars also has the service aspect where they go and interact with children.