Bacterial Resistance

In Professor Alabi’s Rose Cafe, he discussed among other things the increasing danger posed by bacteria resistant to our antibiotics. As someone who has been dependent on intensive medical care my entire life, this is indeed worrying news. While my immune system is a strong as anyone’s, the thought that modern medicine could be undone by its own success is a terrifying one. Additionally, my mother is a doctor who, likely, prescribes the very antibiotics that are being rendered less effective by this phenomenon. This case does, however, raise some interesting potential questions. For example, should there be some sort of enforced reduction of the number of antibiotics prescribed to patients? Along what lines would such a reduction be drawn? While in general the answer to this question, for now, is probably quite easy, if the trend continues it might very well be possible that every single prescription given could make a significant difference. Should this situation ever arise, decisions would have to be made concerning who should receive these antibiotics, even at the expense of making everyone else’s infections harder to treat. These are quandaries I hope I never have to see.

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