
I went to apple fest again this year with my friends. Through this event, I have gained a greater appreciated of the culture here at Ithaca. I bought a lot of apple cider and apple cider donuts during this event and explored parts of the Commons that I had previously never been to. I definitely will come back to Apple Fest again this year.

Spirited Away

I recently watched Spirited Away by Miyazaki. I’ve only watched this movie a couple time before this, and I remember that this movie scared me a lot when I was young because of the scene where the girl’s parents turned into pigs. After watching this movie again, I have gained a deeper appreciation of Miyazaki’s movies and anime. I really enjoy the themes that are present throughout the movie, and I now understand why this movie was received so well.

Art Museum!

I recently attended a tour of the Johnson museum for Rose Scholars. Although I have been in the museum in the past, I thought that it was really interesting to have a professor guide us through the museum. I especially thought his analysis of the walking man statue and “finger-painting” painting was interesting. I really enjoyed this tour, and I will definitely come back soon.


This year, my friends and I attended the gourd event. It was really cool to learn about gourds and about the process of turning them into lamps. It’s fascinating how people can turn the most strangely shaped gourds into such beautiful lamps. When I made my gourd lamp, I put the fire nation symbol in the center, as I love ATLA. I also added red gems to it to emphasize the “flame” part of the symbol. I look forward to attending this event next year.

Pro Headshots part 2

This year, I took professional headshots again after I attended the same event last year. I thought that this year’s event was much more formal than last year’s, as we had an actual background instead of the wall. I also thought it was nice that we had an actual photographer this time taking our picture. I thought that this year’s pictures were nice, so I might use it in the future.

Pumpkin Carving for the First Time

For Halloween, my friends and I went pumpkin carving for the first time. Prior to this event, I never tried to pumpkin carving because I thought that I would cut myself with the knife. However, I found that pumpkin carving is both fun and easy once you get started. After carving my pumpkin, my friends and I put them in our suite as decorations for the next week. I look forward to attending this event again next year.


I recently attended a session with Beverly where we learned how to sew. As a person who has never sewn before, I found the different techniques like running stitch and back stitch really cool and yet pretty difficult. Although there was not enough time to actually fix my bear, I learned sewing skills that I will definitely try in the future after I practice some more.