Learning to sew with Beverly was a delightful experience. She had us do a video conference with her mom, who was an actual seamstress. I’d never met an actual seamstress. We learned a few basic stitches. The coolest one is the blind stitch, where you needle through just one or two threads in the original fabric for each stitch, for a virtually invisible end product.
I had actually tried my hand at stitching before this event. I bought two sweatshirts from H&M, and they both split around right down the seam. That’s fast-fashion for you. It really is a huge waste and awful for the environment. I didn’t want to give up those clothes, so I watched a few YouTube videos and got the job done. It was time consuming, but it’s also kind of fun to work with your hands and super rewarding to tug hard on your finished product and have it stay together. Following along the YouTube videos, though, was a mess. I had to keep rewinding and I would yell at the internet people for doing clearly convoluted moves in a blink. So it was much nicer to try it again with Beverly walking around to help us and show us exactly what we did wrong. I hope to use these skills so I can repair my clothes more often. And also get on Project Runway, Thu 9:30/8: