Spirited Away

In my ranking of all rose scholar events I attended, I will rank this as my lowest. First because I believe the storyline was quite hard to follow; however, after talking to a number of people who attended I was told that it is easier to appreciate art like that when you watch similar content. I realized that because I do not normally watch similar shows/art, it was rather unusual for me to try and  comprehend and follow this.


This movie was interesting in the sense that it was not the typical movie storyline. I appreciated it because it allowed me to learn how to be more accepting in different situations. Apart from that, I enjoyed the cinematic aspects that it had to offer. First of all, there was a lot of time given for viewers to reflect on what was happening as it was happening. Also, the movie had a ‘natural’ sequence of events. They did not skip events but allowed  us to flow with the characters in a sort of fits person view. It was as if we had access to the characters innermost thoughts and perceptions which enhanced the movie.

Table Talk with Ty

Table talk with Ty was really good. We were able to analyze how our semester went socially, mentally, educationally, emotionally etc. what made me really enjoy this event was that we wrote things that went well this semester vs things that didn’t go well this semester and then we further  broke this down to other categories. This made me extremely appreciative that irrespective of how busy the semester has been, I still had positives and still made improvements     Another thing that I appreciated was that we were able to talk about current affairs which I love so much; however, because of time I haven’t had the time to keep up.

Tie a tie

I enjoyed this seminar a lot mainly because it was very relaxing, and also a good productive break from work. I personally knew how to tie a tie; however, I had not done so in so long. this helped refresh my memory and also had me wishing to wear ties as much as I did in my childhood days. apart from that, i finally learnt how to manually tie a bowtie .

All in all, I think this break was a good study away from studying and provided an open, and comfortable environment to still be able to go back to work.

Feed My Starving Children

This was one of the best experiences I have had with community service. First of all, knowing exactly how my efforts were going to help feed starving children across the globe and even knowing how many children that my team fed made this activity a special one. I particularly enjoyed this activity because it involved people from all over Ithaca coming together to jointly help other people who have been less fortunate.

Inequality In Myanmar

This week was very eye-opening for me. I learnt about inequality in other parts of the world and the rawness of reality. This came as a surprise to me because I did not think that such inequality still existed in such blatant and disgusting forms. Women were literally being harassed, marginalized and disrespected in broad daylight and without any compassion from society. Apart from that, I witnessed the discrimination of women in terms of the possible occupations they can have- women in the same position as men are not afforded the same respect at all, nor are they even given a slight bit of recognition.

This video reaffirmed my desire to be able to create a world were everyone can be viewed as equal regardless of gender, race, or background. I would want to be able to empower people (regardless of gender, race, or background etc) to reach higher heights and to break all stereotypes and any barriers limiting them.


The movie, Sorry to Bother You was very interesting in portraying a world where people have to do things in which they would otherwise not have done in order to get a step up the ladder.

The main character- Cassius is forced to impersonate a white person, and forgo his true identity in order to make sales. Cassius finds himself in a place where he has to choose between his friends or ‘his future’ or what I saw, was a future that others wanted for him.  In my opinion, I felt that this movie was an indirect representation of the real world- a world were people change their identity, their morals, and their  beliefs in order to fit in with a ‘higher’ crowd or even to move up the social ladder.

Lessons one can learn from this movie are to have your own goals and aspirations so no one can make something seem more pleasing to you and lure you wayward. also, being true to yourself and always knowing your identity ideologies.