Meeting Mike and Jeremiah

After a long day of classes, I was really excited to go play with some cats. When I got there, I first played with some kittens. One of the kittens really wanted to come outside and kept trying to climb around my arms and jump off. He was very cute and I felt bad that I couldn’t let him down. When I went into the cat wing, I visited each of the rooms. Some of the cats were aloof and others were very friendly and I enjoyed getting to know each of the cats. I eventually got to a room with three cats that were newer to the shelter. Expecting shy cats, I went into their room quietly and got low down on the floor so as not to intimidate them. I let them smell my hands and soon, Jeremiah, a black and white cat with beautiful green eyes, jumped down out of curiosity. He seemed very mischievous and reminded me of a cat I used to foster, who would get very hyper when I played fetch with him. Mike, an orange tabby that had been watching the whole time, also seemed intrigued and after petting him for a while, he came down to my lap. Petting him and playing with Jeremiah was very relaxing and I thought each of their personalities were unique. An afternoon at the shelter passed by quickly and I went back to campus much more awake than before.

2 thoughts on “Meeting Mike and Jeremiah

  1. I think that it’s great that students got to visit the SPCA this year! A lot of these animals go days without serious attention, and that is no way to live. I’m positive that you made their days so much better just by being there (and your day probably got better, too). Hopefully, these beautiful animals find homes soon!

  2. Wow, I’m just learning about this and am kinda bummed I didn’t know when it was happening. I’ve actually never been to one of the “hang out with animals” events since being at Cornell. I think it may be because I’m not that much of a dog person, and I’ve only ever seen the puppy events. I would have loved to go chill with some kittens, and reading about your experience was so much fun!