To Do or Not to Do: Is it up to me?

Free will seems like one of those concepts that can exist with its opposite. For me, free will means exercising control over the conscious actions that I take. However, occurrences that may happen in my life, I don’t think I have ultimate power over. The choices that I make may lead me to a situation, but the probability of that situation happening also depends on other people’s choices. My own choices and other people’s choices may or may not be fated to happen at the time that they do. I think it is an interesting field of thought to explore.

2 thoughts on “To Do or Not to Do: Is it up to me?

  1. Free will is a very interesting concept. I remember writing an essay about this and if we do truly have free will. I think we do have more day than we think when planning out our lives, but life always seems to have a mind of its own. I wonder if there are classes at Cornell where one can discuss this.

  2. Free will is definitely one of those tough concepts to figure out and fit into just one specific definition. I like how you point out that you believe that we are free agents who execute control over the actions we take, but that you are also aware of the fact that there are certain things that happen that are completely out of your control. I think its a good example of Free will not being able to fit into one particular meaning since both statements you made are totally valid and something I think we all experience. Its an interesting thing indeed…