Making sure kids don’t get discouraged

Visit on December 5 3-4PM

This visit at BJM I had to help a few third graders with getting their math homework done. It was very simple multiplication but the 2 of the three students were having an easy time doing it. However, one of the students, Jayce, was having a tough time trying to figure out the problems. He was having trouble with the worksheet, and I could tell he was feeling pressured by those who knew how to do the problems. He was comparing himself to others, which would hurt his ability to do the work. I slowly made sure he stopped worrying about others and he eventually was able to finish the worksheet.

This situation is very applicable to college life, where we often look into how we compare to others, and what rank we are amongst our peers. We forget to value our own selves and allow our opinions of ourselves to be consumed by the thoughts of others. We must stop comparing ourselves to others as it only leads us to doubt ourselves and ruin our own confidence. Although I come to help students, I often learn many lessons from these young children that apply to my own life.

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