Fun in Gourdlandia

Gourlandia was a unique experience and it was my favorite Rose Scholars event this semester. I really enjoy art in all forms, and I rarely have time between classes and homework. Gourlandia was art in an incredibly unique form and it was a lot of fun carving a new medium into a fun nightlight. It took some practice to be able to make a design on the rounded shape of the gourd, but the results were really cool. I actually attended this event last year as part of the program, and I was happy that the event was held again. My gourd came out much nicer this year and I was happy to be able to create more gourd art. This event opened my eyes to some unique forms of art and the passion that people in the Ithaca area have for their work. It was a very interesting event and it was a lot of fun. It inspired me to look into different forms of art and maybe I will be able to find a new project to work on over Christmas break. While I will not have any gourds to carve at home, the creativity of the project will serve as inspiration. Just like last year, I thoroughly enjoyed this Rose Scholars event.

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