An Early Morning Walk

The first time I went on a 5k, I was surrounded by fighters and warriors, in the middle of Ithaca. The Cancer Walkathon, coordinated by the Cancer Resource Center of Ithaca, is an annual walkathon dedicated to people who have been affected by cancer. I was overcome with emotion watching the energy by the older population on the event. For many, this is one of their biggest events of the year because it is telling of how far they have come physically, emotionally, and mentally over the course of a year. The survivors all have different, yet similar stories that they can share with each other in order to connect with people who have shared the same experiences as them. I had an enjoyable time speaking to some runners that day and was truly inspired by their journey, and learning about how they stay motivated every day. Perhaps my favorite part of the morning was right before the walk began. There was one moment where I just stood and watched all the bustle around me, everyone helping themselves with some activity/food/etc, everyone genuinely looked so happy. I particularly enjoyed watching about 100 women dancing Zumba to Shakira and Rihanna at 6 AM, I should’ve joined them! This was an impactful experience for me because I’m eager to become more involved with the Cancer Resource Center in Ithaca.

Im so glad I attended this event, waking up se early to be in the midst of all the vibrant energy and transformative stories was an enlightening experience.

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