A story about life

After the movie, GRF Sam asked “what did you notice about the plot?”, to which I replied “that there wasn’t any” because there is no plot in the Dutch movie “Boys”. The movie is a reflection of life, and our lives don’t have plots. They’re just a series of events affected by what surrounds us and our decisions.

The movie tells the story of Sieger, who over the summer, is awakened sexually and partakes in a secret romance with fellow teammate Marc, meanwhile he’s dating a girl because that’s what 15 year old boys do. I really liked that they showed how comfortable and naturally his relationship with Marc developed, whereas you could see that his and Jessica’s relationship was forced and only moved along because of social norms. It helped with understanding where Sieger’s true feelings really lied.

One thought on “A story about life

  1. I really like what you said about life not having a plot, it made me realize that while we all from time to time want things to follow a certain script and come to the ending we want, but life doesn’t happen that way. It is truly just a series of events each leading to the next.