I wanted to learn about myself.

During this event we talked about our summers and what we planned to do this year.

The truth was that I wanted to learn about myself. I wanted to explore different things to find out what I like. I wanted to learn about different cultures to find out what makes them unique. Most of all, I wanted to find out about the different ways technology impacts the campus.

I loved learning about other people’s views and what they wanted to accomplish in their time here. I found this experience to be very worthwhile.

2 thoughts on “I wanted to learn about myself.

  1. That sounds great! I recommend joining the engineering project teams as they really show how much of an impact technology can have on campus.

  2. This truly does sound great! I often find myself in situations where I struggle with diversifying my experiences and identifying what I truly enjoy. I have been able to identify the activities I want to engage in most when I talk to others about their unique experiences.