Feline Friend Training

At first I was unsure of how we would be assisting the animal shelter in taking care of cats for two hours every other week. The amount of time that we spent at the shelter seemed like it wouldn’t be enough to do anything substantial.

However, after finishing the orientation and training, I’m quite looking forward to going every other Tuesday. Essentially, we serve as “Feline Friends”, and our job is to interact with the cats in the shelter so that they can become more used to being around people. This will ultimately help them become adopted and go to permanent homes.

During the training, we went through procedures for our visits. Nothing stuck out too much, except the heavy use of hand sanitizer. I’m very much looking forward to coming back!

2 thoughts on “Feline Friend Training

  1. Very nice! I’ve always wanted to work with cats, since I never really get to interact with many throughout the year. Plus, since some of my family is allergic to cats, I sometimes miss out on opportunities to interact with them.
    I hope your being there made them feel safer and more comfortable!

  2. It’s so nice that you decided to do the SPCA event for cats. I think often times we forget the amount of care that these animals require and I am sure they greatly appreciated your help.