Building a Better Human

I recently went to the Rose Café event, the Age of Gene Editing: CRISPR and Beyond. Now as a biology major, this event did not have much to offer me in terms of scientific information, the information covered in the talk was rudimentary and surface level genetics information that I have significant previous knowledge of. However, this talk did offer me something else: a social perspective. As I said, I had taken classes in genetics before but had never previously considered the social challenge of the miraculous gene editing tool CRISPR, I had only ever seen the problem from a scientific point of view. I thought it was really cool to both formulate my own opinion on the matter (I believe that there should exist some balance between regulation of this technology, for safety and inequality reasons, and the scientific freedom to explore its true capabilities) and to hear the opinions of my equally well-educated peers, some of which were contrary to my own but had very valid ideas and points. Overall, this talk was super a fun and informative experience.

2 thoughts on “Building a Better Human

  1. Sounds interesting out of curiosity in how many years do you think gene editing would become a standard scientific procedure

  2. In high school I was a part of a club that discussed bioethics. CRISPR came up frequently in discussion. It would be such a powerful tool, but there’s always that aspect of “is it right to do something like this?” The situation is extremely interesting and complex.