Laughing at Ourselves

The Intro to Improv class was the only Rose Event that I could make this week, but I am very glad that I attended. The members of The Whistling Shrimp were hilarious and very friendly. They made me feel very comfortable, even though a lot of the activities we did felt very silly and awkward at first. It was a great way to loosen up and have some fun during a stressful week. I did not know very much about improv coming into this event, and it was interesting for me to experience something new. I also appreciated how the skills used in improv could translate to practical skills like public speaking, interpersonal communication, and confidence-building. Though I only attended the short seminar, I plan to use so of the tips and skills the members talked about for presentations and times where I have to speak in front of a large number of people.

2 thoughts on “Laughing at Ourselves

  1. That’s so fun that you got to have this experience in the midst of a busy week. As a relatively introverted person, I probably would not have had the courage to push myself so far out of my comfort zone as to attend an improve session, so good for you for doing that! It’s great that you learned practical skills from the event in addition to having fun. I never would have thought of the important life skills that could come out of extracurricular activities such as improv acting. I’m glad it was a great time!

  2. Activities like this help us get out of our comfort zones and are so necessary for personal development! It is very cool that you were able to make the connection between the improv class and the impacts it can have on you in the long run. I agree that it can translate to practical skills like public speaking and confidence-building!