Developing Rose Scholars

This event was very different from the other Rose Scholars event I attended this semester. I appreciate how the Rose Scholars administrators are willing to listen to student feedback to create Rose Scholars Events. It was an interesting insight into how events are picked to try to fit a variety of categories for people of different interests. It also makes me excited for future Rose Scholars events, as the areas we talked about during the seminar sounded very interesting to me, especially the career development ones. Many of my classes don’t focus much on career development and practical work-force skills, so I appreciate that events in the house can offer opportunities for me to develop these important skills. It was exciting to be included in the process of developing new events and to have a say in the process.

One thought on “Developing Rose Scholars

  1. I agree that Rose Scholars administrators do a great job with listening to us! It is a nice change of pace for those in power to listen, which is why I believe Rose Scholars is truly an enriching experience. What kinds of events did you suggest for next semester? I’d be interested in a resume editing seminar!