Community Discussion Meeting

Attending the meeting this afternoon, allowed me the opportunity to not only meet new people but share/listen to experiences  that differed from mine. One the occurring question during the meeting, asked group members what they really enjoyed about the Rose Scholars Program. It was really heart-warming to see that a majority of Rose Scholar  members appreciated the Rose scholars program for its sense of community. Many said that it was easy to feel alone and unacknowledged at Cornell,  because of its size and remote location. Others said that they felt especially alone, when they desired to do things outside of of academia and were discouraged by peers. I, personally, felt the exact same way and found solace in the Rose Scholars Program because it gave me a sense of belonging and allowed me to partake in non-academically related activities that peaked my interest. I also enjoyed the Rose Scholars Program because it  allowed me to view a variety things within in both my social and academic life in a new and exciting way.

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