Cautious Cats

On my second week as a volunteer, I circled around the cat wing and played with each of the cats. Some of the cats were nervous at the beginning, but after simply sitting on the ground for a few minutes, they got used to my presence and a few that were initially nervous cautiously came down to look at me. To entice them further, I started luring them over with toys. With each cat, I tried gauging which approach to play they had. Some cats were more curious, and so when I moved the toy and then let it come to a slow crawl, they pounced. Other cats enjoyed the chase, and with them, I quickly moved around the toy in surprising trajectories. I especially liked playing with one black cat who at first was very wary, but warmed up to me through playing with the toy. Playing with the cats reminded me of my two cats at home, Frankie and Sparrow, and how both of them were scared at first when they got to our house, but now, with time and care, are very comfortable with every part of the house.

One thought on “Cautious Cats

  1. With a naturally loud voice big shoes, the shy cats never liked me :(. Thus, I found comfort in the purple cats, the rowdiest of the cats.