Exploring Ithaca’s Nature and Enjoying Some Organic Food

Exploring the Cascadilla gorges was an educational experience, being able to learn how the gorges were created during the beginning years of the university. Our tour guide, Todd Bittner had pictures of the gorges when it was first created and it was very interesting to see how some parts like the overall structure and the bridge on top stayed the same for over 150 years but things like the trees and the amount of water flow was significantly different. Growing up in a suburban area, there is nothing like this back home so being able to see the gorges up close and learn about its history gave me a lot of insight on how the gorges changed over time due to things like weather and human intervention.

Apple Fest was another experience I never had before. Having all the vendors lined up with their self-made produce was a delightful scenery.  I was able to try apple cider and apple cider doughnuts. In my honest opinion, the apple cider tasted very similar to apple cider that can be bought from the supermarket back home so I was was slightly disappointed. However, the apple cider doughnuts were made fresh at the table so after consuming them while they were still hot was a big win.

All in all, both experiences were my firsts so it was very educational and exciting to try new things. I definitely cannot wait for Apple Fest next year and hopefully, it is not as hot as it was this year.

2 thoughts on “Exploring Ithaca’s Nature and Enjoying Some Organic Food

  1. I’ve never been to apple fest, but it sounds like there’s a lot of good food there. I’ll have to check it out next year!

  2. I went to Apple fest for the second time this year but never explored it through the gorges! That looked like a lot of fun and a great learning experience. I agree with what you said about the Apple cider, I too was a bit disappointed, but the donuts at least were good. I also recommend trying the Apple crisp with ice cream!