Distracting kids to work

On 11/21/19 I went to BJM to volunteer and had to take care of 5 third graders.


This was a tough experience because two of them needed to get work done, but the other three were being very distracted. It was pretty difficult getting the other three to be quiet and still be able to help the other two students. I ended up having to trick the other 3 into studying and behaving so that I could help the other two with their work. I told the other three to play more quiet games, such as hangman, and kept them entertained.

From this experience, I learned the importance of keeping everyone involved regardless of what situation. It is important to always keep the entire group involved when in a group situation, so that no one can be detrimental to the group and is able to provide more to the group. When organizing a group, it is important to make sure everyone’s opinions are accounted for so that no one feels left out and so that the group is more cohesive.


2 thoughts on “Distracting kids to work

  1. I love how you handled the situation and how you applied it to general group situations. It must have felt pretty frustrating in the moment.

  2. I completely understand. This problem doesn’t only occur when working with children. As a student organizer it can be very difficult to keep everyone focused on a common goal. Everyone is either preoccupied with their own endeavors or not mentally present, and this, indeed, does place a strain on the overall group experience.