Tabletalk Fall 2019

This evening, we had a talk over dinner at Rose House with Ty, a graduate resident at Founders Hall. It was an interesting discussion about events happening around the world and on campus. Many topics were raised, such as the Hong Kong situation and Trump impeachment to our own thoughts about this semester.

It was interesting to hear stories from the people I talked to. Some of us were enjoying the semester and talking a lot of interesting classes, others were overwhelmed by extracurriculars and work, but all of us seem to be having our own special college stories to tell. It would have been awesome to hear from more people, but unfortunately, time ran short and we had to end it. Hopefully there will be another reflection event like this next semester.

One thought on “Tabletalk Fall 2019

  1. Such events are nice since you get to share your thoughts with others about various topics. For instance, having a conversation with someone about how challenging your semester is could actually relieve some of your stress.