A Mini Arts and Crafts Project

Since I volunteer in the Art Room, I thought it would be interesting to do an arts and crafts project. Once again Ella joined me and I showed her how you can fold a paper in half and cut out a butterfly that way. This got a few other students’ attention and asked if they could also make one. They each had their own unique shape and once we began coloring them in the children were able to express themselves more with the patterns and colors they chose to use when decorating their butterflies. I chose to show them how to make paper butterflies since it was a project I enjoy

This is a paper butterfly

This is a butterfly I decorated with Ella.

ed working on as a kid. It is a simple project and can be fun to work in as a group.

One thought on “A Mini Arts and Crafts Project

  1. This is a beautiful butterfly! What simple way to get kids to push their creativity and to think vividly! I always remember these small art activities as both fun and rewarding. As someone who has always viewed themselves as limited in the artistic department, these small activities always boosted my self-esteemed, reminding that I can be creative and that my imagination is not stagnant, as I had been led to believe.