Patience is a Virtue

To be frank I was nervous what to expect my first time visiting BJM elementary school and helping out in their after school program. Children are a lot of responsibility and getting them to participate in activities can be tough. However, the moment I walked into the Art Room I was welcomed by a bunch of curious children asking me who I am and bunch of other questions. This instantly reminded me of being around my younger sister, which helped ease up the nerves. This is where my friendship with a girl named Ella began as we worked on writing each others’ names repeatedly. This interaction showed me how patience is an important skill to have when working with children, since she kept on insisting I was writing her name wrong due to my different handwriting. Knowing that she wanted to be in control of what we did, I suggested she come up with a different thing to do. This led us to drawing, which helped us get out of the previous activity that seemed to be slightly frustrating her.

One thought on “Patience is a Virtue

  1. Volunteering is something I too love doing. I think it is amazing that you were able to connect with the students and use creativity to form a bond. Children are amazing and yess do ask so many questions. I wish I were able to come on that trip and make some cool artwork!