Change and Self-Discovery

Jungen is a coming-of-age and self-discovery film telling the story of Sieger, a Dutch teenager, who throughout the film was exploring and questioning his sexuality. It was also the first film I watched whose theme revolves around self-discovery and the LGBTQ+ community. Rather than rely on flashy scenes and drawn out dialogue, the movie instead uses its cinematography and its focus on the actors themselves to convey the struggles that Sieger faces in his journey of self-discovery. One of the scenes that stuck out to me most was when Sieger failed to get the baton from Marc at the beginning of the movie. To me, when I first watched this scene, I knew that this meant there will be more conflicts to come, and this foreshadowing was correct. After dealing with conflicts with his brother, with Marc, and within himself, Sieger finally accepts himself and his feelings for Marc, ultimately pursuing what he truly wants and what will make him happy (which I believe can be marked by the successful transfer of the baton and the victory at the final race). Overall, this was a film that I enjoyed watching and after discussing it, it will be a movie that I will watch again in order to be able to pick out and better understand its symbolism. 

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