Art and History

Yesterday, we saw and analyzed some of the art pieces in the Johnson Museum with Professor Schwartz. We saw some of the more well-known pieces in the museum, and learned about how to view and understand art. One of the things that I found interesting was that in order to understand the meaning of an art piece, we have to first contextualize and think about what the artist was trying to say during the time when the piece was created. The time period in which the piece was made is especially important, because major events in that period of history can shed light on some of the meanings behind a particular work. However, the audience does not have to interpret a piece solely based on the artist’s experiences or the artist’s intention. Art can be understood differently by each person, and everyone’s individual experiences and knowledge can affect how they will interpret an artwork. I think that it’s important that each person develop their own perspectives and interpretations of an artwork, and that these differences in perspective allow each person to have their own experience at an art museum.

2 thoughts on “Art and History

  1. I liked that you describe how to contextualize art and the importance it poses in understanding art. I’ve always struggled with enjoying modern art because I don’t get it most of the time. Thanks for sharing and I’ll keep these in mind!

  2. I also participated in the tour and found it very interesting that a single piece of artwork can convey different meanings. It’s interesting to think that a piece of art can convey a completely different meaning than what the artist was aiming for. I wonder how artists react to this.