The Impossible Math Problem

As a fifth grader, you should expect the homework problems to be more challenging than the previous years. I was asked to assist in solving a problem of determine the weights of a pineapple and an orange. The only problem was, I could not figure out the question without using an equation, but the fifth graders have not yet learned algebra. Because of this, I resorted to using trial and error, to which one of the students thought “the college age girl doesn’t even know how to do it”. I finally did figure out the answer, but since it took so long to figure out the answer, they were disinterested and unmotivated to figure it out for themselves. Regardless, I thought it was interesting to see the difficulty range of homework problems and motivation to find the answer from the group of students I was working with.

One thought on “The Impossible Math Problem

  1. I think this seems like a really interesting experience. I think it is great that the children got to at least see from you that their math problems can be solved in different ways. It also makes me really curious to see how their teacher would have done it while still keeping the kids engaged.