Table Talk: The Playlist of Life

I thought that this table talk would be a discussion of our favorite music, artists and albums. It started off that way, but quickly moved into a debate about a certain controversial musical artist: Kanye West. I believe Kanye West is not a good person, and thus I refuse to support any of his music. He actively supports President Trump and continuously shows he does not care about or respect women. He rudely interrupted Taylor Swift at an award show in 2009, physically removing the microphone from her hand and announcing Beyonce should have won instead. Then in 2016, he wrote a song called “Famous” where he degrades Taylor Swift further saying that he “made her famous” and that “they might still have sex,” and in the music video, he depicts her naked body in bed, without her permission. A few people in the discussion brought up that Kanye is a devote Christian, but that in no way excuses any of his actions. The debate comes down to separating the music from the person, and I believe that the music cannot be separated from the person; in supporting someone’s music, you are effectively supporting them by giving them money, fame, and success. And artists that continuously prove themselves to be bad people do not deserve money, fame, and success.

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