Happy Fall: Mermaids, Computers, and Leaves

This week I was working in the Art Room and it was an interesting experience.

In the beginning, I was just helping the kids draw and talking with them. I was asked to draw eyes and scales on a mermaid, had my drawing taken away by another kid so he could color it in (and then he proceeded to tell me that his was better, to which I said “definitely”), and asked to help draw a computer. The art teacher then came over and told me to draw as well, and it was really refreshing and relaxing because I haven’t done anything like this since high school. It was fun to just sit down and draw with the other kids and help them out because there were no standards of what looks good or bad, just drawing to draw and to have fun.

After a while, a couple of the kids had left, so I worked with the art teachers and the remaining students on their Happy Fall sign by sticking leaves onto the sign. It was nice to just let go and enjoy what I was doing in the moment with the other students and teachers.

One thought on “Happy Fall: Mermaids, Computers, and Leaves

  1. This sounds like such an awesome experience. I didn’t realize it, but I miss having to take art classes in middle school and high school. In college, the mindset seems to be more like if you’re not good at something, don’t do it. I miss times when it’s okay to not be good at something.