Volunteering at BJM

Yesterday I volunteered at the elementary school (BJM). Yesterday’s experience was somewhat different from previous ones since the students didn’t have as much homework as they typically do. I normally help the same two boys with their math work. One of them is fairly motivated to get his homework done while the other needs some extra inspiration at times. This week, the student who usually gets his work done quickly had already finished his math before I had even arrived at the school, and was reading a book about farming. The other student was more patient this time with his work than usual, and he was able to finish his math faster than normal as well. I think he had a good understanding of the concept he was working with and he was less distracted by other students nearby. After he completed his math, I moved on to play Uno with a group of girls. I lost terribly, but we had fun making up new rules to the game and playing with multiple decks at once. The two boys whom I was tutoring before joined us later. Overall, this visit to BJM was a productive and fun one, and I enjoyed helping the students with their work and playing games with them as well.

One thought on “Volunteering at BJM

  1. It’s great that you were able to spend time being productive and having fun with the students! It seems fulfilling to be able to see the kids every other week and see them as the semester progresses. Do you think you have developed meaningful connections with the kids?