Still unsure of what it means

This Thursday, I went to see some of Kelly Sears’ animations about “Alternate Histories”. I went in not knowing what to expect, and I came out of it not knowing what I had just seen. Though her animations are likely filled with symbolism, allusions, and metaphors, I am still having difficulty deciphering what it is I watched. From what I could tell, some of it seemed to be about the horrors of war, as evidenced by a segment of cutting between soldiers ready to fire at an unseen target and a yearbook with many headshots blacked out. I think that at least part of it is meant to show the human cost of conflict, and the reasons for not engaging in violence.

While I am still somewhat confused by this animation, it definitely made me think critically about the world around me, as I tried to piece its meaning together based on what I already know.

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