Replaying Us

Us was a very dynamic movie that, though I enjoyed watching, I left leaving like I would need to watch it again to full grasp what went on within. One thing I really liked and admired about it was the use of symbolism. There was symbolism in the imagery of the Native American welcoming Adelaide when she went to the beach as a child, but the imagery switching to a wizard. I felt it was showing how the location was cloaked by a “PC” exterior to cover up its racist and horrific foundation. There was also symbolism in the repetition of a bible verse in the movie. The allusion in the movie was also great as Jordan Peele paid a lot of homage to the Shining with the twins, the overhead shot of the family driving, and the tethered holding the scissors like the ax in the Shining. The last part I enjoyed the most about the movie was the actors’ performance. I believe Lupita Nyong’o was absolutely stunning to watch as she portrayed such drastically polar characters with such nuance, which was exactly what was needed to show us that those characters were really not as different as they seemed.

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