Repair Clothes

This Thursday SA Beverly took the time to teach us how to sew using different techniques. She taught us three techniques: running stitch, backstitch, and the invisible stitch. The last time I sewed was in middle school, so this was a great refresher. One technique in specific was using the running or backstitch to fix a hole in your clothes. I never knew how easy it was to repair a hole in any type of clothing using the running stitch. Moreover, when testing the strength of this stitch repair, I was very surprised to see how well the stitch held the hole together. There have been many instances when I or one of my friends and family have thrown out perfectly good clothing just because there was a seam that ripped. Now knowing how to repair these types of clothing, I feel like I can repair clothing and save many clothes from being thrown out. I can also use and repair other people’s clothing and possibly donate those clothes to charity. Tonight, I learned a very good skill which I hope to use in the future. Thank you, Beverly!

One thought on “Repair Clothes

  1. This sounds like it was a fun and informative event! I wished I had been able to attend. Though I have a basic sewing kit with me, I have never used it and can only sew a basic stitch. It would have been nice to have been able to learn different ways to repair a tear and which stitch to use for which situation!