
Last week, I was able to attend the Table Talk with Professor Ken Roberts where we discussed the upcoming US Federal Election, the current state of politics, and the implications of impeachment.


The main point of discussion that struck the most pertinent was the current, polarized state between the Democratic and Republican Parties. Professor Roberts asserted that the main outlet for reducing this gaping hole of understanding between people is to simply talk to those around you. Engage in conversation with people who hold different beliefs than you. Find issues that all relate to—because at the end of the day, both sides hold some same fundamental beliefs. We’re all people, and by pitting ourselves against each other, nothing gets done and faith in our nation dwindles.


We also touched on the implications of the current impeachment investigation. With new administration, will US politics as a whole moderate? The current president, no one can deny, is a prominent figure that is divisive. Under a new Commander in Chief, will Republicans and Democrats come closer together? Will politics become less apparently black and white? Less combative?


These were my main questions, my main takeaways.


Overall, I really enjoyed this discussion.  Politics have always interested me, and I couldn’t think of a more interesting time in politics than our current situation.

One thought on “Inconceivable

  1. The conversation and discussion you participated sounds interesting. I definitely agree with the idea that merging the gap between the Republican and Democratic Party can start by talking to each other and finding some common ground. I also believe that it is important to realize that although people may have different ideas and perspectives, we are all people.