Feed My Starving Children

This was one of the best experiences I have had with community service. First of all, knowing exactly how my efforts were going to help feed starving children across the globe and even knowing how many children that my team fed made this activity a special one. I particularly enjoyed this activity because it involved people from all over Ithaca coming together to jointly help other people who have been less fortunate.

2 thoughts on “Feed My Starving Children

  1. So cool! I wanted to attend this event badly but was sick at the time. The chance to get more involved not just with the community on campus but the greater Ithaca area makes it sound like a unique event, not to mention the added benefit of humanitarian work. Did you meet any interesting Ithacans or hear stories about other ways to get involved with service in town?

  2. I agree with you! This was a fun experience because not only is it for a good cause, but because it was able to unite a lot of organizations and people of the Ithaca community