Cancer Walkathon: An uplifting event

When I arrived at the walkathon I was surprised by how happy the mood was.  I had thought a walk for individuals with cancer might be sad and depressing.  I mean these people have cancer, how could the walk be a happy event.  But the mood seemed not to be centered around getting cancer, but instead focused on living a good life in spite of it.  With donations received through events like this walkathon, research has extended and bettered the lives of so many  people.  There is considerable reason to be happy with the progress scientists have made toward people living with cancer, but we must commit to doing more. Our generation must make it a priority to end cancer in our life time.  I was happy to be a part of the walkathon and seeing so many good people taking action to make a difference in the lives of total strangers.  Isn’t that what life is all about?  Helping others, not just because they are family or friends, but because they are fellow human beings.

One thought on “Cancer Walkathon: An uplifting event

  1. I agree with you in the aspect that it is inspiring how individuals with cancer are very positive rather than being very depressed. My aunt has cancer and everyday it amazes me how uptempo and happy she is. She tells me that part of the reason is because of the cancer, she has a greater appreciation for little things in life.