Learning about Flora Rose

Frankly, before this event, I hadn’t really given a thought to who Flora Rose was. After this event she has become an inspiration. Her dedication to women’s rights and to helping people in need (most specfically in Belgium) through the development of home economics and through nurtritional advancements. What I found even more interesting was her relationship with Martha Van Rensselaer. I hadn’t been aware that these two outstanding women had known each other and that together they created the predecessor to the College of Human Ecology. This presentation made me appreciate the name Flora Rose a lot more, but it also made me dream bigger in what I would want my future accomplishments to be. These two women accomplished so much in a society that wasn’t necessarily in their favor and they did it with dedication and in a humble manner. I will remeber this presentation because this was the time that Flora Rose went from being the house I was a part of to a woman I admire.

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