A Community United Against Cancer

When we first arrived at Cass Park, the crowd of people already gathered, stretching and preparing to run/walk in the 5K could not be missed. Hundreds of people from all walks of life were in attendance: parents pushing children in strollers while holding the leashes of dogs; families holding signs voicing their support for participants; families young and old, wearing color coordinated shirts and more, united as a community to show their support for those who have fought, or are currently fighting cancer.

Prior to the walkathon, we had the opportunity to meet and talk with Jason, a cancer survivor himself. What Jason said about the stigmas of cancer and the consequence it has on patients and families alike is something I had never thought of before. Cancer is often stigmatized, sometimes to the extent that many patients and families are isolated and feel that there is not one they can talk to or approach. 

However, the Cancer Resource Center is working to provide a network of people and support groups where patients can voice their concerns, receive help, and meet people who are going through, or have gone through the same experience that they are currently going through. 

The community that the CRC has created is even more evident as we walked along the path: cheerleaders, singers, acapella groups, performers and more were all present, providing encouragement to the runners and walkers as we passed.   

I am glad I had the opportunity to participate in the walkathon hosted by the CRC. To see the community come together to support a common cause was heart-warming and this was truly an amazing, unforgettable experience. 

One thought on “A Community United Against Cancer

  1. As you mentioned, this walk was an incredible experience. I was absolutely in awe of all of the people there who had previously battled cancer and the people who were still fighting. To see them all there in high spirits walking and cheering for each other made me realize how amazing humans can be. The support within the CRC community is vast and it shows how much people care about the organization.