Packing for the Starving Children

Through the Ithaca Mobile Pack program, I participated in an activity in which I formed groups with other students to cooperate in a process of creating packages of meals that would be sent to the starving children all over the world. Some students would be measuring out the vitamin powder, rice, beans and the vegetable, some would weigh the food and place them inside the official vinyl packagings using the funnel and some would pack the boxes. I took on the role of weighing and packaging. The entire process was a rewarding experience in that I was doing something to help children in need and that they were benefitting from the food. It was also fun to listen to the blasts of music, meet new people and participate in a collaborative effort to create as many boxes as possible as well as chanting our table’s motto each time we finished a box. Although the meal packed were supposed to be nutritious, however, they were not particularly appealing(we got to taste them too) and I started to appreciate all the food I had taken for granted. I wish I could participate in more activities like this and help other children in need all over the world.

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