two hours, ninety nine lives

This past Friday I joined a group Rose Scholars at St. Catherine of Siena church to participate in the annual Feed My Starving Children event. Having participated in this event last year, I already had some expectations about what the event would be like, but I definitely underestimated the energy and excitement I would feel. While packaging food to send to starving children in the DR, there was chanting, challenges, chatting, and singing. One of the event coordinators sort of acted like an MC, motivating us to keep packaging and challenging us to beat the records set by sessions the days before. I actually got chills when she told us that we had packaged enough food in one evening to feed ninety nine children for a whole year. “Ninety nine souls, ninety nine futures, ninety nine sets of parents who can name their child and know that they can grow up healthy…” The fact that just two hours on a Friday night could make such a lasting impact on a community and on so many lives simply unreal.

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