Learning About Cornell from Diverse Group of People

Last Wednesday, I was able to learn more about important decisions that are being made on campus from the board of trustees (including faculty members and a graduate student). The topics included expanding on-campus housing accessibility, student to professor ratio, possibly increasing future student sizes and student mental health. It was interesting to hear that the board is debating whether or not Balch hall (one of the older buildings on campus) should be rebuilt to increase number dorms. By having this panel discussion with the board members was another way of learning about campus and all the discussions that are made. Overall, it was a great way of meeting members from part of the Cornell community that students normally have minimal interaction.

One thought on “Learning About Cornell from Diverse Group of People

  1. I agree with you on how meeting with the trustees was a rare opportunity; are there any other campus wide opportunities where students can interact with the decision makers? Listening to the trustees was eye-opening, and I would attend more of these sessions (could be campus-wide) to hear about potential projects coming up and to stay connected with the Cornell community at large.