Inequality In Myanmar

This week was very eye-opening for me. I learnt about inequality in other parts of the world and the rawness of reality. This came as a surprise to me because I did not think that such inequality still existed in such blatant and disgusting forms. Women were literally being harassed, marginalized and disrespected in broad daylight and without any compassion from society. Apart from that, I witnessed the discrimination of women in terms of the possible occupations they can have- women in the same position as men are not afforded the same respect at all, nor are they even given a slight bit of recognition.

This video reaffirmed my desire to be able to create a world were everyone can be viewed as equal regardless of gender, race, or background. I would want to be able to empower people (regardless of gender, race, or background etc) to reach higher heights and to break all stereotypes and any barriers limiting them.

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