Ethical or Not

The growth of technology doesn’t only mean a new iPhone every year. It goes much further than that and affects humans on a greater scale. Specifically, the area of biotechnology has advanced so fast and far that many ethical questions have been raised. Our GRF, Shiv spoke about these ethical issues and the recent experiments performed. A genetic modification method called CRISPR has been tested to successfully genetically modify an organism. In fact, CRISPR has been used on humans to “cure” (Not a proven, active method) HIV being passed onto future generations. However, this raises many ethical issues. Should this be used or regulated? Is it even safe to use yet? I believe that it’s ethical for the purpose of preventing the transfer of diseases. Yet, I’m not sure if it is safe yet to perform on humans or if there are any other issues that may arise after the genetic modification. Furthermore, the continuation of genetic engineering on humans might lead to modifying features like eye color, height, etc. To me, that isn’t ethical and can change the world for the worse. But this is the path we are heading in and I hope there will be regulations set forth soon.

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